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A goal based methodology for HAZOP analysis


ROSSING Netta Liin1, LIND Morten2, JENSEN Niels3, and



1. FLSmidth, Vigerslev Allé 77, Valby, Denmark (

2. Department of Electrical Engineering, Technical University of Denmark, Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark (

3. Safepark Consultancy, Kannikestræde 14, DK-3550 Slangerup, Denmark (

4. CAPEC, Chemical and Biochemical Engineering, Technical University of Denmark, Kgs.Lyngby, Denmark (


Abstract: This paper presents a goal based methodology for HAZOP studies in which a functional model of the plant is used to assist in a functional decomposition of the plant starting from the purpose of the plant and continuing down to the function of a single node, e.g. a pipe section. This approach leads to nodes with simple functions such as liquid transport, gas transport, liquid storage, gas-liquid contacting etc. From the functions of the nodes the selection of relevant process variables and deviation variables follows directly. The knowledge required to perform the pre-meeting HAZOP task of dividing the plant along functional lines is that of chemical unit operations and transport processes plus a some familiarity with the plant a hand. Thus the preparatory work may be performed by a chemical engineer with just an introductory course in risk assessment. The goal based methodology lends itself directly for implementation into a computer aided reasoning tool for HAZOP studies to perform root cause and consequence analysis.  Such a tool will facilitate finding causes far away from the site of the deviation. A Functional HAZOP Assistant is proposed and investigated in a HAZOP study of an industrial scale Indirect Vapour Recompression Distillation pilot Plant (IVaRDiP) at the DTU-Dept. of Chemical and Biochemical Engineering. The study shows that the goal based methodology using a functional approach provides a very efficient paradigm for facilitating HAZOP studies and for enabling reasoning to reveal potential hazards in safety critical operations.

Keyword: risk Assessment, HAZOP, multilevel flow modelling

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