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Reactor physics experiment for advanced nuclear reactor system at Kyoto University Critical Assembly (KUCA)


UNESAKI Hironobu1, MISAWA Tsuyoshi1, PYEON Cheol-Ho1, SANO Tadafumi1, and LIM Jae-Yong1


1.Kyoto University Research Reactor Institute, 1010 Asashiro-nishi 2, Kumatori-cho, Sennan-gun, Osaka 590-0494, Japan (


Abstract: Recent activities on reactor physics experiment for advanced nuclear reactor systems using the Kyoto University Critical Assembly (KUCA) are described and reviewed. The activities include 1) benchmark experiments for high burnup next generation reactor fuel, 2) basic experiments on thorium fueled reactor, and 3) experiments on ADS using high-energy proton accelerator and subcritical cores. These experiments are mainly aimed at verification and validation of current methodology for nuclear characteristics design, and also aimed at development of experimental techniques.

Keywords: reactor physics; KUCA; advanced nuclear reactor; thorium; ADS

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