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Report on the 19th International Workshop on Nuclear Safety and Simulation Technology
ZHANG Zhijian1, HAO Chen1, and WANG Jianjun1
1. College of Nuclear Science and Technology, Harbin Engineering University, 150001, Harbin, Heilongjiang, China (
Abstract: The 19th International Workshop on Nuclear Safety and Simulation Technology (IMNSST2015) was held on May 24-25, 2015, at Harbin Engineering University, in Harbin, China. The two-day workshop was to promote the key technical communication of numerical nuclear reactor. There were twelve invited presentations at the IMNSST2015, and the subject of the presentations ranges from (i) overview of research progress of numerical virtual reactor in China and CASL in US, (ii) functions introduction of program systems such as MOOSE and NEANS developed for CSAL, (iii) V&V methods for advanced simulation of light water reactor, (iv) details of CFD methods used in nuclear reactor design, such as using structured and unstructured grids without or with adaptive mesh refinement, (v) LWR severe accident analysis codes and simulation of loss of cooling accident in nuclear power station spent-fuel pool, (vi) issues concerning neutron-atypical artifacts introduced by ion irradiation experiments for simulation of neutron irradiation in metals and predicted water chemistry for current and advanced LWR, (vii) transport calculations in reactor physics and radiation shielding, (viii) development of a physical component based nuclear power plant simulator to support nuclear I&C activities, and (ix) fuel performance modeling and simulation. This article provides the overview of the IWNSST2015 with giving condensed summaries of all invited presentations given by international experts.
Keyword: numerical virtual reactor; V&V; CFD; severe accident; irradiation experiments; water chemistry; transport calculations; fuel performance; nuclear I&C activities 


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