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Reinforced measures of severe accident prevention for restarting Japanese PWR plants after Fukushima accident
1. Symbio Community Forum, C/o Research Institute of Applied Sciences, 49 Tanaka Ohi-Cho, Sakyo, Kyoto, 606-8201, Japan
Abstract: In Japan, the national institution of nuclear safety regulation had been completely re-organized after Fukushima accident in March 2011. In this paper, the review on how the revision of nuclear safety standards of light water reactors (LWR) is firstly made after Fukushima accident by a newly established nuclear regulation authority. And then the process on what should be done by the nuclear power plant operator is introduced in order to pass the licensing examination to get the permission of restarting their plants. The essential efforts paid by an operators of pressurized water reactor (PWR) is to enhance the countermeasures against severe accident, for which they should strive for building up the ability to conduct on severe accident analysis more efficiently. In this respect, some ideas are proposed to improve the efficiency of the related works.
Keyword: severe accident prevention; Fukushima accident; safety regulation standard; severe accident analysis; PRA 
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