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On the need of fuel modeling for the Harbin Numerical Virtual Reactor (NVR)
1. Senior Advisor Nuclear Safety, CH-5234 Villigen, Switzerland
Member of the International Advisory Council to the College of Nuclear Science and Technology, Harbin Engineering University (
Abstract: The objective of this paper is to propose how research and development of fuel behavior models and the related computational tools should be conducted within the framework of the Virtual Numerical Reactor (NVR) project now on going at the Harbin Engineering University (HEU). The author’s proposition ranges from (i) the need of macroscopic fuel modeling, to (ii) the explanation of various phenomena related with the fuel behaviors, to (iii) elements of the thermo-mechanical framework (relevant physical equations) and the related constitutional laws that are necessary, to (iv) the short review of the international trend of related fuel behavior code development and to (v) the way of multi-physics coupling of the fuel pin modeling in the whole NVR. The proposition finally concludes with the importance of building the expertise on fuel behavior modeling for the success of NVR project.  
Keyword: numerical virtual reactor;fuel modeling; computation tool of fuel behavior; multi-physics coupling; thermo-mechanical framework 
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