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Design of risk monitor for nuclear reactor plants

YOSHIKAWA Hidekazu1, YANG Ming1, HASHIM Muhammad1, LIND Morten2, and ZHANG Zhijian1
1. College of Nuclear Science and Technology, Harbin Engineering University, Harbin, China(,
2. Department of Electric Engineering, Technical University of Denmark, Kongens Lyngby, Denmark(
Abstract:In this paper, the method of how to comprise a concept of “plant Defense-in-Depth (DiD) risk monitor” and “reliability monitor” for nuclear power plant is discussed in detail. The discussion starts on the definition of risk and risk ranking on the items of (i) design principle of nuclear safety, (ii) risk to be monitored, (iii) severe accident phenomena, and (iv) risk ranking. After analyzing the anatomy of fault event occurrence from the view of common mode failure and considering the semiotic modeling of nuclear power plant as a whole by utilizing multilevel flow model (MFM), the image of distributed human-machine interface system of plant DiD risk monitor and reliability monitor is introduced. Also discussion is made on how to visualize risk state intuitively as “dynamic risk monitor” as the display to human. Then an example practice is presented for containment spray system of PWR bythe proposed concept of “reliabilitymonitor” with the application of FMEA and GO-FLOW analysis. The formation of “plant DiD risk monitor” by utilization of revised MFM will be the next step study for configuring the proposed concept for the “plant DiD risk monitor”.
Keywords: risk monitor; risk ranking; FMEA; GO-FLOW; MFM
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