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Innovative approach to implementation of FPGA-based NPP instrumentation and control systems

ANDRASHOV Anton1, KHARCHENKO Vyacheslav2, SKLYARVolodymir3, and SIORA Alexander4
1. Research and Production Corporation Radiy, Kirovograd, Geroiv Stalingrada str. 29, 25006, Ukraine, (
2. Centre for Safety Infrastructure-Oriented Research and Analysis, Kharkov, Astronomicheskaya str. 37, 61085, Ukraine, (
3. Research and Production Corporation Radiy, Kirovograd, Geroiv Stalingrada str. 29, 25006, Ukraine, (
4. Research and Production Corporation Radiy, Kirovograd, Geroiv Stalingrada str. 29, 25006, Ukraine, (
Abstract: Advantages of application of Field Programmable Gates Arrays (FPGA) technology for implementation of Instrumentation and Control (I&C) systems for Nuclear Power Plants (NPP) are outlined. Specific features of FPGA technology in the context of cyber security threats for NPPs I&C systems are analyzed. Description of FPGA-based platform used for implementation of different safety I&C systems for NPPs is presented. Typical architecture of NPPs safety I&C system based on the platform, as well as approach to implementation of I&C systems using FPGA-based platform are discussed. Data on implementation experience of application of the platform for NPP safety I&C systems modernization projects are finalizing the paper.
Keyword: FPGA; I&C system; nuclear power plant; FPGA-based safety platform
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