シンビオ社会研究会 原子力WEB教材


https://bit.ly/3BLds3V https://bit.ly/3QIoivO https://bit.ly/3Bk9pdl https://bit.ly/3BM6lbs https://bit.ly/3BNBHyB https://bit.ly/3BINfDa https://bit.ly/3QQ5pHt https://bit.ly/3QJE75j

Strong? He's strong all right. He's strong enough to stand up and say he enjoys both roles and to hell with the people who would spit on him for enjoying going over a woman's knee. He's strong enough to say what it is he wants and to encourage and guide me in my dominant role.

I do not judge a man's strength by money or how many women he sleeps with but nor do I judge it by whether he takes the lead and she must follow. Nonsense. This is a man strong enough to take care of his family but without needing to command them all the time.

This is a man who sticks through thick and thin. At 28 years old, you know something Hadi? He's been married more years than you have been alive.

This is a man who has fears and worries and isn't too concerned about building up his masculine image to admit them. On the other hand he does what has to be done: fears or not.

This is a man who lived through an abusive childhood and learned to love despite it. He saw his Dad beat up his Mom on a regular basis and he knows very well the line between abuse vs. nonabuse: and that line is named CONSENT.

He's got a crippled granddaughter and he gives her his whole heart, even though he knows he may outlive her.

Yes, I'm in love with him, and most especially when he is on his knees before me, giving me his love and worship. What greater honor, than to be adored by someone who is such a wonderful man?

I guess now you'll have to kiss your theory goodbye, since it doesn't apply to all men and all women. Perhaps a theory that allows for individuality would be a better one.


by "Pat" on 2004 Dec 20 - 16:06 | reply to this comment I have kissed goodbye my theory Dear "Pat"

I didn t say that a strong man has to order in every single detail or event that happens in real life ,a true man does not controls and diminsih other members role in the house especially his wife. I did talk about a strong reliable assistant.

Last-modified: 2022-09-16 (金) 20:54:25 (581d)