シンビオ社会研究会 原子力WEB教材

lotus cd

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Miss Nosey Parker: “I am constantly mystified by your male readers that are making decisions based out of fear and loathing, and planning for their marriages to fail.”

Athlone McGinnis?: Why? The state of marriage is not very good in the US. Failure rates are extremely high and the consequences(loss of half your wealth, your kids and your home, not to mention your dignity) are even worse.

Things are bad. Recognizing this is just common sense for any guy. Even if they DO ultimately decide to go ahead and get married anyway they would be foolish not to at least be aware of the very real risks.

Miss Nosey Parker: “A pre-nup is common sense, but actually considering going to another country to get married or seeking out a foreign wife as some way to assure your financial solvency if things go south? That sounds like a ridiculous extreme to me.”

Athlone McGinnis?: Its not so extreme for me. I’m a Jamaican with an English-born jamaican mother, and Ivy League pedigree and family/friends in many parts of the world. Packing up and heading to Europe(EU citizen by descent) or the caribbean would be easy for me.

Given the risks in the US I outlined above, I fail to see how this is foolish.

Miss Nosey Parker: “Guys, don’t you trust yourselves to choose an honest, desirable wife?”

Athlone: Yes. I’m sure the millions of divorced guys out there did the same. I’m just using common sense. Is there a remote chance that I get married here? Perhaps, but it’d take the perfect girl, which I am unlikely to ever find here. My chances improve elsewhere. This is just a logical conclusion.

Miss Nosey Parker: “I know that there are no guarantees in life and sometimes things end earlier that we plan.”

Athlone: …and the consequences for me in that regard as a husband are going to be greater than my wife’s if I marry here. Don’t forget that.

Miss Nosey Parker: “I also know that we are ruled by our hormones, but are you guys so shallow that the warm glow of having a level 10 hottie on your arm and the raging jealously of friends and strangers trumps any rational decision making regarding long term mate selection? Dude, looks fade…and maintenance is a bitch. BTW – When snooty “Amanda” isn’t the B.G.O.C. anymore and she gets a reality check after graduation, who will be expected to pick up the pieces? You!”

Last-modified: 2022-10-06 (木) 00:44:11 (572d)