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Risk monitoring for nuclear power plant applications using Probabilistic Risk Assessment


Design Service Division, Nuclear Engineering, Ltd., 1-3-7 Tosabori, Nishi-ku, Osaka 550-0001 Japan ( )

Abstract: Systematic and comprehensive Probabilistic Risk Assessment (PRA) is used to evaluate risks for Nuclear Power Plants (NPPs), and the risk information is also used to enhance the rationality and accountability of safety-related activities, and to realize efficient management in NPPs. Regulators and industry are discussing the standards and guidelines for the various types of PRA and management for near-future usage. “Risk Monitoring” is the essential item for PRA usage and risk-informed activities, and we assume “At-power risk monitoring in case of On-Line Maintenance” and “Shutdown risk evaluation for every outage” are two key issues for “Risk Monitoring”. This paper describes the COSMOS Risk Monitoring system, and also of its usage for “At-power risk monitoring in case of On-Line Maintenance” and “Shutdown risk evaluation for every outage”.
Keyword: Probabilistic Risk Assessment (PRA); risk monitoring; risk informed

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