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A method for selection of spent nuclear fuel (SNF) transportation route considering socioeconomical cost based on contingent valuation method (CVM) KIM Young Sik1, KIM Ar Ryum2, SHIN Seung Ki3, HA Jun Su4, and SEONG Poong Hyun5 1. Doosan Heavy Industries and Construction Co., Ltd, 39-3, Seongbok-dong, Yongin-si, Gyeonggi, 449-795, Republic of Abstract: The transportation of spent nuclear fuel (SNF) can cause radiation exposure to people and the environment. Therefore, the radiological risk should be estimated and managed quantitatively for people who live near the transportation route. Before the SNF transportation takes place, a route selection is generally made based on the radiological risk estimated from the RADTRAN code. Existing methods for route selection are usually based on only the risks of radiological health. However, there are several costs associated with transporting SNF, including socioeconomic costs. In this study, a new method and its numerical formula for route selection related to the transporting SNF are proposed based on these various costs. The total cost consists of radiological health, transportation, and socioeconomics cost. In particular, the contingent valuation method is used to estimate the socioeconomic costs. Consequently, the socioeconomic cost is extremely dominant, so the socioeconomic cost estimation is very important. The route selection regarding SNF transportation can be reasonably supported with the proposed method. |
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