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The safety review and formal verification on FPGA


ZUO Jiaxu1, YU Wenzhuo2, LI Sen1, ZENG Hai3, and ZHANG Chunming1

1. Department of Nuclear and Radiation Safety Research, Nuclear and Radiation Safety Center MEP, Beijing, 100082, China (,,
2. Special Risk Insurance Division, PICC Property and Casualty Company Limited, Beijing, 100022, China (
3. Engineering Center, State Nuclear Power Automation System Engineering Corp, Shanghai, 200233, China (
Abstract: The FPGA technology is researched and developed in the reactor protection system. The FPGA system is developed by the software tools, and applications in the hardware. The safety review points of FPGA from NRC are introduced and some key points of FPGA’s safety are discussed. The verification and validation, quality assurance and software tools seem more important for FPGA development. There are some disadvantages in the simulations of FPGA and the formal verification could be the usefully supplement for those disadvantages. Base on the SVA method in model checking of formal verification, the overpower ΔT trip chips were verified. And some bugs in ALU multiply modular were checked out and updated. Base on the SVA method, the formal verification makes the design and verification to take attentions on the function definition.
Keyword: nuclear safety review; simulation verification; formal verification; field programmable gate array
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