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Global generic model for reliability analysis of the digital instrumentation and control systems

MA Zhanguo1, YOSHIKAWA Hidekazu2, and YANG Ming3

1. College of Nuclear Science and Technology, Harbin Engineering University, 150001, Harbin, Heilongjiang, China (
2. College of Nuclear Science and Technology, Harbin Engineering University, 150001, Harbin, Heilongjiang, China (
3. College of Nuclear Science and Technology, Harbin Engineering University, 150001, Harbin, Heilongjiang, China (
Abstract: Formal modeling techniques for the analysis of the Digital Instrument and Control system (DI&C) by High level Petri net (HLP-net) is proposed in this paper. HLP-net is an extension of Petri net is a powerful modeling technique to model the discrete event system. The proposed model uses the hierarchical modeling capability of HLP-net, which includes different levels of abstraction, in order to offer quite general and generic method for a large scale DI&C system behavior. This paper uses the digital reactor protection system as the example system that is adopted as the generic model for the safety I&C system. The designer can choose the specific level of abstraction and use the model to simulate and verify the DI&C system design. And both the hardware and software reliability are integrated in the proposed model. By using this proposed model not only the simulation of dynamic behavior is possible, but also the formal verification of the DI&C system properties becomes enabled based on the proposed HLP-net model.
Keyword: dynamic modeling, petri net, formal verification, hierarchical systems, DI&C


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