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Nuclear issues evaluation based on rational risk-benefit consideration

UJITA Hiroshi1

1. The Canon Institute for Global Studies, 11F, Shin-Marunouchi Bldg., 5-1 Marunouchi 1-chome, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, 100-6511, JAPAN (
Abstract: When looking at the discussion after the Fukushima accident, there has been wide discussion of the dichotomy of promotion or abolition of nuclear power plants. However, it is important that such discussion be based on a rational risk and benefit comparison. Both the environmental risk (CO2, dust, SOx, NOx) and the accident risk of nuclear power are low compared with those of other energy industries. On the other hand, benefits are comparatively high: effective mitigation of global warming due to no CO2 emissions, effective improvement of energy security due to domestic and stable power supply, and the high economic benefit because of the high energy density. Breeder reactorswith plutonium 239 usage are expected to have 100 times longer life than the 100-years of resource available with only uranium 235 as used in current light water reactors. Thus, breeder reactors will be able to secure the energy resources of more than 10,000 years, and it is such drastic measures that are needed for long-term global warming mitigation and energy resource issues from the viewpoint of intergenerational equity or the precautionary principle.
Keyword: nuclear safety concept; probabilistic risk assessment; risk benefit analysis; long-term asset
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