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Support systems of plant operators and designers
by function-based inference techniques based on MFM models

Graduate School of Natural Science and Technology, Okayama University, 3-1-1 Tsushima-Naka, Kita-ku, Okayama, 700-8530 Japan (
Abstract:The usage of functional information is important in plant operation and system design because functional information expresses the role of a component in a system and intentions of designers. The previous article introduced three function-based inference techniques i.e.: (1) causality estimation technique based on an MFM model, (2) function flow simplification of an MFM model, and (3) generation of explanation sentences for inference process. This article first discusses the concept of a co-operator as a human-centered operator support system for future plants. It then introduces techniques and systems that apply the function-based inference techniques: a technique to find plausible counter actions for an anomaly, a dynamic operation permission system to reduce commission errors by human operators, a technique to generate quantitative causality explanation sentences, systematic techniques for FTA and FMEA, and a design support technique of functional case-based design.
Keyword: function-based inference; co-operator; multi-level flow modeling; operator support information; safety analysis; system design
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