Invited Articles |
Research Reviews |
A tale of two safeties
1 |
Critical review on what factors affected the evolution of the Fukushima accident
by OHSUGA Yasuhiko, YOSHIDA Tamiya, SAKUDA Hiroshi
10 |
Prerequisites of ideal safety-critical organizations
by TAKEUCHI Michiru, HIKONO Masaru, MATSUI Yuko, GOTO Manabu, SAKUDA Hiroshi
22 |
A method for selection of spent nuclear fuel (SNF) transportation route considering socioeconomical cost based on contingent valuation method (CVM)
by KIM Young Sik, KIM Ar Ryum, SHIN Seung Ki, HA Jun Su, SEONG Poong Hyun
34 |
Lecture Notes |
A Monte Carlo simulation method for system reliability analysis
by MATSUOKA Takeshi
44 |
Original Papers |
Research Papers |
A toolkit for computerized operating procedure of complex industrial systems with IVI-COM technology
by ZHOU Yangping, YE Jinliang, DONG Yujie, HUANG Xiaojing, YOSHIKAWA Hidekazu
53 |
Condition monitoring of steam generator by estimating the overall heat transfer coefficient
by FURUSAWA Hiroaki, GOFUKU Akio
59 |
Short Notes |
A study of functions of “The Bank (Thorium Energy Bank)”
by KAMEI Takashi
67 |