Symbio International Workshop 2011

Organized by:Symbio Community Forum, Kyoto, Japan
In cooperation with: Research Division of Human Machine System Atomic Energy Society Japan and Global Center of Excellence of Energy Science Kyoto University
Date: August 30, 2011, 9:30 – 17:00 
Place: Kyoto University Clock Tower Hall, Kyoto, Japan

Opening Address (9:30 -9:40)
Prof. Hidekazu Yoshikawa, President, Symbio Community Forum
― PART  A ―(9:40-12:00)
MFM application studies for NPP 
Chairs:Prof. Akio Gofuku( okayama U.) and Dr. Takashi Nagamatsu (Kobe U.)

Lunch break (12:00- 13:00)

― PART  B ―(13:00-15:30)
Frontier studies for symbiotic energy systems 
Chairs: Prof. Tetsuo Tezuka (Kyoto U.) and Prof. Hiroshi Shimoda (Kyoto U.)

Coffee break (15:30-16:00)

―PART C-(16:00-17:00)
Discussion by all members
Lessens from Fukushima Daiichi Accident:
What should be electricity supply and usage in future
Coordinators:  Prof. Toshio Sugiman

Closing Address (17:00-17:10)
Prof. Toshio Sugiman (Kyoto University)

Program Download


Contact: Symbio Office, Ms. Uchida
問い合わせ: シンビオ社会研究会 事務局, 内田和枝氏