シンビオ社会研究会 原子力WEB教材

healthlog のバックアップ(No.2)

https://bit.ly/3JaD0It https://bit.ly/3GuGzI1 https://bit.ly/3Hx1M5g https://bit.ly/3GHFUTK https://bit.ly/3st3MVQ https://bit.ly/3rAyBsE https://bit.ly/34o5yj7 https://bit.ly/3JaD377 https://bit.ly/34vdQFM https://bit.ly/3uDRiNR

The spankings can definitely be a lot of fun (at least for me ]:-> ). But for my wife to feel secure and cared for, I know that she needs consistency more than anything else. I think that's the best place for me to start.

I also appreciated the info from Master Wheelie about the Kink Aware Professional website. I'm happy and somewhat shocked to say that, even in our small town, we found several docs on that list. Who knew?

Well, I've been in here in my little cave reading and writing for a while now. Better go let my wife know what she means to me!

Thanks again...


A readers' forum post by Tom on Tue, 11/01/2005 - 06:50 | reply to this comment Growth A readers' forum post by Tevemer on Wed, 12/01/2005 - 01:29 | reply to this comment Hi Tom,

There is some really great information on this thread! I just wanted to add that we stumbled quite a bit at the beginning. I was such a big change for us, how could we have expected to make it without a few pitfalls. Honestly we have questioned everything and on and off wondered what the heck we were doing! My husband has taken the better part of a year to get his bearings. There were lots of reasons why we encountered problems. He has questioned whether he was really the kind of guy who dominates his wife on a few occasions. We have both grown so much over the past year and a half.