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homehub のバックアップ(No.12)

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4susanawalsh June 12, 2009 at 9:27 am Wow, VJ, you're become a prolific commenter! Thanks for taking the time to read my posts and share your thoughts. I'll keep my response brief. Basically, I would posit that nearly everything in life can be explained by a supply and demand model. We have wants and needs. We find others who can provide them, and give up something the other party values in exchange for what we value. Sex is no different. What your analysis fails to reflect is the realities of the hookup culture today, especially on college campuses. In the end men and women may want the same thing, but that time tends to occur when men approach 30. In the meantime, women are increasingly frustrated with the lack of relationships available to them.

5reality July 27, 2009 at 10:56 pm this is bullshit though because you can't change the “greater culture”. a woman on a micro level not participating in slut culture – sorry i meant hooking up – is not going to have any effect on the wider culture. media such as porn and mtv maintain a certain sexual culture also, and you can't combat that. feminist and sexual liberals like you unleashed anarchy, and it's not going back into the box no matter how many pseudo-intellectual “supply and demand” theories you want to put forward.

6reality July 27, 2009 at 11:01 pm “In the end men and women may want the same thing, but that time tends to occur when men approach 30.”

Projection, projection, projection.

7reality July 27, 2009 at 11:05 pm indeed, on the point of projection I have to echo 11minutes' point.

females do the sexual selection. females, by and large, determine the sexual culture.

if there's a situation where the sexes “aren't interested” in marriage until “age 30″ (which incidently is when the biological clock begins to tick a little louder), then more than likely that trend can be put down to the female population.

it's really so very elementary, if you weren't so caught up in projecting your behaviour and perceived failures onto others.