aspies that’s pretty much it . that is what makes since to them…I know , I know weird shit huh,,,Warpath your an idiot…aspies find your strength,,you know why spock was successful..he didn’t back down…what if yhe woulda been him ..but week..wel the way they interpret strength is? not bu=y using rational thought, to them it realy is an animal kinda thing s, aspies study psychology not yours but theres …then you will control them ,,study real social <a href="">dyne&icsm#8230;thare</a> easily controlled..dogs Disruption and chaos serve a purpose for these people: it keeps the system destabilized, in constant crisis, and open to continuing charges that it is &#i2g0;fail8n2,” and must be reformed, aka privatized. [url=]fedtlaj[/url] [link=]geecfqefjok[/link]