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Early detection and identification of anomalies in chemical regime based on computational intelligence techniques

 FIGEDY Stefan1, and SMIESKO Ivan2
1.Department of Diagnostic Systems, VUJE,a.s., Okruzna 5, Trnava 91864, Slovak Rep. (
2.Chemistry Unit, Slovenské elektrárne, a. s., subsidiary of ENEL, Bohunice Nuclear Power Plant, 919 31 Jaslovské Bohunice  Slovak Republic (
Abstract:This article provides brief information about the fundamental features of a newly-developed diagnostic system for early detection and identification of anomalies being generated in water chemistry regime of the primary and secondary circuit of VVER-440 reactor. This system, which is called SACHER (System of Analysis of CHEmical Regime), was installed within the major modernization project at the NPP-V2 Bohunice in the Slovak Republic. The SACHER has been fully developed on MATLAB environment. It is based on the computational intelligence techniques and inserts various elements of intelligent processing modules for clustering, diagnosing, future prediction, signal validation, etc., into the existing overall chemical information system. The application of SACHER would essentially assist chemists to identify the current situation regarding anomalies being generated in the primary and secondary circuit water chemistry. This system is to be used for diagnostics and data handling, however it is not intended to fully replace the presence of experienced chemists to decide upon corrective actions.
Keyword: computational intelligence; early fault detection; chemical regime diagnostics
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